ContactWarm flames breathe & glow with realistic logs & embers, bringing your fireplace to lifeManually controlled Vented log sets are perfect for chimneyed fireplacesVent-Free logs are a great option where you don't have a flu. Models include Thermostat, Remote, or Manual controlsRemote models have a unique self-charging feature that allows the battery to be re-charged by the flameLearn More »Vent-Free heating ссылки provides supplemental heat to rooms allowing energy savingsNo vent pipes needed, keeping all the heat in the room and installation costs at a minimum.Oxygen Depletion Sensor (ODS) turns the heater off if the oxygen drops below a safe level.No Electricity needed. Great during power failuresLearn More »Torpedo Heaters are great for construction sites and outdoor tented areas that have good ventilation.High Quality Danfoss Gear pumpAutomatic ignitionOver Heat ProtectionElectronic Thermostat with Digital DisplayLearn More »Infared Radiant waves heat the object and not the air making it ideal for outdoor applications or construction areas with good ventilationPiezo IgnitionFar more portable than traditional patio heatersGreat for tailgatingLearn More »The Thermablaster Industrial Electric heaters are perfect for workshops with high ceilings and large floor space.Heat Output: 14000 BTU & 17000 BTUElectric blower heater for professional purposesDurable stainless steel heating elementThermostat controlLearn More »BLOG12.12.16THERMABLASTER Remote Log Sets with Dr. Frank on CBS TV PittsburghRead More04.28.16Thermablaster by Reecon will be attending the National Hardware Show in Las Vegas on May 4th through May 6th!Thermablaster by Reecon will be attending the National... Read More12.03.15Thermablaster Outdoor Infrared Heaters on GroupOn! Thermablaster Outdoor Infrared Heaters are now available... Read More - Кракен даркнет зеркало
lar days and hours of operation are: Mon to Sun : 9am to 6pm Thank you for your patience; we hopefully will be back to normal operations soon! CAKE ORDERS * Limited cakes are available for order. Please pre-order only via email or phone call *by at least noon the day prior to pick-up*. We will have some cakes available for walk-in as well. Please note: As we are not answering the phone on a regular basis due to reduced staff levels, we are asking that you please email us at [email protected] for orders and any questions. The order email should include the following: Subject Line: CAKE ORDERNameContact NumberOrder details including type of cake, size of cake, and any personal inscription instructions (ex. Happy Birthday Ben, Congratulations Tina, etc)Date and Time of Pick-up Please wait for a response email to show confirmation of the order and any questions. Available Cakes ***some of them may be out of stock temporary without notice*** Triple Chocolate Mousse (6″, 8″, Individual)Cheesecakes (6″, 8″, slice):MangoNew York with Raspberry sauce Flans (7″, 9″, slice):Lemon Orange Flan with BlueberryLime Raspberry FlanPassion Fruit Flan Tiramisu (6″,8″, Individual)White Chocolate Raspberry Mousse (6″,8″, Individual )Peanut Butter Mousse (6″, 8″, Individual)Lemon Mousse Cake (6″, 8″, Individual)Chocolate Hazelnut Zuccotto (7″, 9″, Individual),Dulce De Leche (6″, 12″, slice)Neopolitan Cake (6″, 8″)Bittersweet Chocolate Buttercream (6″, 8″, slice)Hedgehog (6″, 8″, slice)St. Honore (6″, 12″, Individual)Mocha Torte (6″, 8″)Carrot Cake (6″, 8″, slice)Toffee Cake (6″, 8″)Coconut Chiffon (6″, 12″ , slice) ****Now comes as a log shape******Chocolate Obsession (6″, 12″, slice)Ganache Cake(6″, 8″)***7 days advance notice necessary, decoration has been changed(Large shaving chocolate on the side***Pecan Cranberry Tart (7″,9″)***Larger cakes would be available depending on cakes and need to be paid in full to confirm, please call us for more assistance***We’re really excited to be back. See you soon!The Sweet Obsession Team

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